Jesus Is Better

Vocal recording


10 - 24$12.5610%
25 - 99$11.8615%

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Sheet Music 0:47 1 Come, My Soul, Adore the Lord
Sheet Music 0:45 2 Jesus Is Better
Sheet Music 0:35 3 Let God Arise
Sheet Music 0:47 4 My Jesus, I Love Thee
Sheet Music 0:33 5 Wondrous Love
Sheet Music 0:31 6 Depth of Love
Sheet Music 0:38 7 The Love of God
Sheet Music 0:36 8 Endless Grace
Sheet Music 0:38 9 You Are God
Sheet Music 0:43 10 How Great Is Our God
Sheet Music 0:47 11 He Lives
Sheet Music 0:30 12 It's Still the Cross
Sheet Music 0:43 13 A Revival Prayer
Sheet Music 0:31 14 All Things Through Christ
Sheet Music 0:26 15 Content In Him
Sheet Music 0:34 16 May Jesus Be Praised


Everyone desires to be happy, longs to be satisfied, and desperately searches for something or someone that will finally fulfill those unmet expectations. In reality, happiness and satisfaction are temporary, and searching for them can lead to discontentment and wanting more. Chasing the desires of one’s own heart, apart from Jesus, is futile. The Bible states that the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked (Jeremiah 17:9). The only One Who can fulfill desires, satisfy longing souls (Psalm 107:9), and exceed expectations is Jesus! In His presence is fullness of joy, and at His right hand are pleasures forevermore (Psalm 16:11)! Jesus Christ alone is all we need! As we pursue knowing and loving Jesus, we will understand the truth of Scripture that Jesus is Better.