Grace Alone
Music by Josh Bauder / Reba Snyder MillerHymn / SATBA new, singable tune for “Grace! tis a charming sound” is accompanied by piano and a soaring violin part. This will quickly become a favorite song for your choir as… -
Endless Mercies
Music by Dan Forrest / Reba Snyder MillerChildren / SATB / SB / Vocal SoloWith a singable tune and gentle accompaniment, we are invited to “bless the Lord for His tender mercies.” The 2-part writing makes this arrangement a wonderful choice for a children’s… -
Day by Day
Music by Oscar Ahnfelt / Susan Greene2-part / SATBAccompanied by piano and optional cello, this new tune highlights the beloved words of the familiar hymn Day by Day. Your choir will quickly learn the simple 2-part writing. Hope… -
Christ Is Sufficient
Music by James Koerts / Greg HabeggerA cappella / Hymn / SATBChris Anderson and Greg Habegger present a hymn highlighting Christ’s sufficiency. These words emphasize that we can add nothing to the wonderful gospel. A beautiful orchestration by James Koerts is… -
Behold the King
Music by Greg Habegger / Reba Snyder MillerHymn / SATBNew lyrics by Andy Gleiser powerfully express a desire to live for Jesus the King! Sing about His infancy in a humble stable, His agony on the cross, and His…
Showing 49–60 of 111 results