Our Sure Hope EP
MP3 Album$5.00As humans, we hope for good circumstances and outcomes. We long for feelings of true joy, peace, and security. Although our circumstances are ultimately out of our human control, we…0:40 1 I Set My Hope on God Above0:40 2 Let All Things Now Living0:48 3 Our Sure Hope0:32 4 Be Merciful to Me, O God (Psalm 57)0:54 5 Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies -
Look To Christ
MP3 Album$8.99In this ever-busy world, our minds and hearts can easily be overwhelmed with the pressure to give attention to the demands of this earthly life. Our misplaced affections and vain efforts will…0:41 1 Let All Things Praise the Lord0:41 2 Look To Christ0:28 3 Happy Is the Man0:36 4 I Am Free0:33 5 At the Cross0:38 6 Grace Has Spoken0:40 7 Even So0:38 8 Song of Rest0:39 9 Come Find Rest0:47 10 I Must Tell Jesus0:48 11 I Am the Lord0:38 12 He's the Mighty One Who Saves0:31 13 Oh, the Height and Depth of Mercy0:28 14 We Will Not Be Ashamed0:48 15 We Stand In Grace0:49 16 Jesus, At Your Name -
Let the Church Rejoice
MP3 Album$8.99Jesus loves the church! We know this to be true because He gave Himself for it! The good news of Jesus Christ makes it possible for all men and women,…0:42 1 Come, Draw Near0:30 2 Jesus Loves the Church0:46 3 Let There Be the Church0:42 4 Sing and Rejoice0:47 5 He Shall Reign Our King0:36 6 Jesus, Shepherd0:51 7 How We Thank You, Jesus0:37 8 You Made Us One0:37 9 People of the Way0:46 10 The Church's One Foundation0:36 11 He Has Called Us0:39 12 Lord, Build Your Church0:40 13 Sing To God0:57 14 Join In Heaven's Praise0:39 15 His Church Shall Rest -
Our Sure Hope
Music by Faye López / Patricia MockSATBThis song is a sweet expression of joy and trust in Jesus as our Rock and safe Harbor. With a lyrical melody and a reference to “‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in… -
I Set My Hope on God Above
Music by Brian BudaSATBTrue hope is found in the freedom from sin that Christ offers. Those who trust in Him will joyfully proclaim Him as their “only source of hope…the joy of their… -
Let All Things Now Living
Music by Joshua Hummel / Traditional Welsh melodyChildren / SATBThis beautiful arrangement of a familiar tune expresses gratitude to God as the Creator and Sustainer of life. The simple melody can be easily learned by choirs of all ages,… -
Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies
Music by Benjamin David KnoedlerSATBTaken from a hymn text by Charles Wesley, this choral anthem magnifies Christ as the “true and only Light.” The ethereal melody, paired with a beautiful orchestration, provide a masterful setting… -
Be Merciful to Me, O God
Music by Greg Habegger / Reba Snyder MillerSATBThough trials and darkness envelop the believer, God remains a faithful refuge for His own. The gentle melody of the verse explodes into a confident cry of praise in the… -
My Lord Was Emptied
Music by Greg Habegger / Mikayla GordonSATBInspired by Philippians 2:5-11, “My Lord Was Emptied” magnifies Christ’s humility in emptying Himself of glory, and dying in the place of wretched sinners. Although Christ laid aside His splendor… -
At the Cross
Music by Emaley Fuller Gillespie / Matt Taylor / Ralph Hudson / Reba Snyder MillerHymn / SATBThis arrangement brings a modern touch to an old hymn with a newly written bridge. As the lyrics draw a picture of Christ’s sacrifice for us, the bridge affirms that… -
Let All Things Praise the Lord
Music by Matt Taylor / Richard NicholsHymn / SATBDynamic and driven, this energetic arrangement is sure to inspire both choir and congregation alike to praise the Lord. Excellent choral writing, backed by an exciting accompaniment, calls all creation… -
Jesus Loves the Church
Music by Joshua SparkmanHymn / SATB / SBChrist showed His love for the church by dying for us, saving us, uniting us, and promising to return! The gospel message is supported with a joyful melody and an…
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