New Recordings
Our Sure Hope EP
MP3 Album$5.00As humans, we hope for good circumstances and outcomes. We long for feelings of true joy, peace, and security. Although our circumstances are ultimately out of our human control, we…0:40 1 I Set My Hope on God Above0:40 2 Let All Things Now Living0:48 3 Our Sure Hope0:32 4 Be Merciful to Me, O God (Psalm 57)0:54 5 Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies -
O Lord of Love
Music by Brian Buda / Matt TaylorMP3 Song$0.99There is no theme more comforting than the steadfast, loyal love of God. Quoting the breadth of Scripture, this heartfelt, reassuring anthem gives thanks to the Lord for the many… -
Great Things He Has Done
Music by Molly Ijames / William DoaneMP3 Song$0.99God alone is supreme and the Creator of all. We acknowledge His Majesty and greatness by giving Him the honor, glory, and praise that He rightfully deserves. Great Things He Has… -
Look To Christ
MP3 Album$8.99In this ever-busy world, our minds and hearts can easily be overwhelmed with the pressure to give attention to the demands of this earthly life. Our misplaced affections and vain efforts will…0:41 1 Let All Things Praise the Lord0:41 2 Look To Christ0:28 3 Happy Is the Man0:36 4 I Am Free0:33 5 At the Cross0:38 6 Grace Has Spoken0:40 7 Even So0:38 8 Song of Rest0:39 9 Come Find Rest0:47 10 I Must Tell Jesus0:48 11 I Am the Lord0:38 12 He's the Mighty One Who Saves0:31 13 Oh, the Height and Depth of Mercy0:28 14 We Will Not Be Ashamed0:48 15 We Stand In Grace0:49 16 Jesus, At Your Name -
Let the Church Rejoice
MP3 Album$8.99Jesus loves the church! We know this to be true because He gave Himself for it! The good news of Jesus Christ makes it possible for all men and women,…0:42 1 Come, Draw Near0:30 2 Jesus Loves the Church0:46 3 Let There Be the Church0:42 4 Sing and Rejoice0:47 5 He Shall Reign Our King0:36 6 Jesus, Shepherd0:51 7 How We Thank You, Jesus0:37 8 You Made Us One0:37 9 People of the Way0:46 10 The Church's One Foundation0:36 11 He Has Called Us0:39 12 Lord, Build Your Church0:40 13 Sing To God0:57 14 Join In Heaven's Praise0:39 15 His Church Shall Rest -
Good and Wise
Music by Brigette ShevyMP3 Song$0.99Good and Wise celebrates the unchanging goodness and wisdom of God. Though we would prefer to learn it in other ways, God’s character often shines brightest in the midst of… -
Jesus Emmanuel
Music by Josh SparkmanMP3 Song$0.99Emmanuel, God with us. This new Christmas single celebrates the incarnation of our beautiful Savior and Lord. Each stanza features God coming to us in Christ so that He might… -
Only You Can Satisfy
Music by Emaley Fuller Gillespie / Matt TaylorMP3 Song$0.99Sin grips us. It holds us hostage as fleeting pleasures enslave us. The truth is: our only hope of escape is Jesus. He alone can free us and provide the… -
God Indescribable
Music by Brian Buda / Tim FisherMP3 Song$0.99The title gives credence to the arrangement which highlights God’s power and love for beauty in nature and emphasizes His tenderness to His most loved creation: mankind. The grandeur of… -
I Am Amazed
Music by Faye LópezMP3 Song$0.99This beautiful arrangement showcases the glory of our merciful Savior. With an energetic melody, the text directs our eyes to His handiwork in creation as His redemptive nature is lovingly… -
Christ, My Treasure
MP3 Album$8.99Christ is the only One Who can provide us with the peace, joy, stability, and hope we so desperately desire. Because our hope is alive, a relationship with Him makes…0:38 1 Come, Christians, Join to Sing0:40 2 Christ, My Treasure0:37 3 I Will Stand0:37 4 To Live Is Christ0:33 5 At Your Word0:39 6 Your Word Is Life0:34 7 Draw Me Nearer0:37 8 Jesus Christ the Righteous0:37 9 I Will Praise Him0:36 10 Do You Love Me0:34 11 Jesus Paid It All0:37 12 Everlasting Arms0:34 13 His Countless Scars0:32 14 Our Hope Is Alive -
Faithful, Sufficient God
MP3 Album$8.99This instrumental collection features many recent favorites from The Wilds. These majestic and powerful orchestrations beautifully support the recurring themes in the song texts of God’s sufficiency and faithfulness.0:31 1 May Jesus Be Praised0:32 2 Christ Is Sufficient0:31 3 All Things Through Christ0:32 4 The One Who Lives Again0:31 5 For Me to Live Is Christ0:35 6 Jesus Is Better0:34 7 Wondrous Love0:30 8 Christ Is Enough0:31 9 God Has Spoken0:31 10 It's Still the Cross0:33 11 This Is My Story0:34 12 In Faith I Follow0:35 13 The Spirit's Sword0:32 14 We Will Follow
Showing 1–12 of 21 results