
Showing 1–12 of 48 results

  • Good and Wise

    Music by Brigette Shevy
    MP3 Song Available on iTunes Available on Amazon
    Good and Wise celebrates the unchanging goodness and wisdom of God. Though we would prefer to learn it in other ways, God’s character often shines brightest in the midst of…
    Available on iTunes
    Available on Amazon
  • Christ, My Treasure

    MP3 Album 14 Songs Available on iTunes Available on Amazon
    Christ is the only One Who can provide us with the peace, joy, stability, and hope we so desperately desire. Because our hope is alive, a relationship with Him makes…
    0:38 1 Come, Christians, Join to Sing
    0:40 2 Christ, My Treasure
    0:37 3 I Will Stand
    0:37 4 To Live Is Christ
    0:33 5 At Your Word
    0:39 6 Your Word Is Life
    0:34 7 Draw Me Nearer
    0:37 8 Jesus Christ the Righteous
    0:37 9 I Will Praise Him
    0:36 10 Do You Love Me
    0:34 11 Jesus Paid It All
    0:37 12 Everlasting Arms
    0:34 13 His Countless Scars
    0:32 14 Our Hope Is Alive
    14 Songs
    Available on iTunes
    Available on Amazon
  • Christ Is Risen

    Music by Brigette Smisor Shevy
    MP3 Song Available on iTunes Available on Amazon
    “Christ is risen, alleluia! Christ is risen as He said!”  Celebrate the resurrection of Christ with this hope-filled text, exciting tune, and thrilling orchestration that confidently declares the reality of our…
    Available on iTunes
    Available on Amazon
  • Gentle Savior

    Music by Brian Buda / Matt Taylor
    MP3 Song Available on iTunes Available on Amazon
    Echoing the familiar text by Fanny Crosby, this beautiful and solemn prayer gives voice to the believer seeking our gentle Savior. Only at His throne of mercy and through His…
    Available on iTunes
    Available on Amazon
  • Trust Me

    Music by Reba Snyder Miller
    MP3 Song Available on iTunes Available on Amazon
    Calling the weary believer to trust his sovereign God, this rich text encourages and strengthens by reminding the believer of God’s love, mercy, and strength. We hope this song is…
    Available on iTunes
    Available on Amazon
  • Glory to His Name

    Music by Matt Taylor / Shelly Hamilton
    MP3 Song Available on iTunes Available on Amazon
    The lyrics express a personal testimony of Christ’s work in a believer’s life, taking them to the foot of the cross. A new melody supports the familiar gospel-centered text. Enjoy…
    Available on iTunes
    Available on Amazon
  • Look To Christ

    MP3 Album 16 Songs Available on iTunes Available on Amazon
    In this ever-busy world, our minds and hearts can easily be overwhelmed with the pressure to give attention to the demands of this earthly life. Our misplaced affections and vain efforts will…
    0:41 1 Let All Things Praise the Lord
    0:41 2 Look To Christ
    0:28 3 Happy Is the Man
    0:36 4 I Am Free
    0:33 5 At the Cross
    0:38 6 Grace Has Spoken
    0:40 7 Even So
    0:38 8 Song of Rest
    0:39 9 Come Find Rest
    0:47 10 I Must Tell Jesus
    0:48 11 I Am the Lord
    0:38 12 He's the Mighty One Who Saves
    0:31 13 Oh, the Height and Depth of Mercy
    0:28 14 We Will Not Be Ashamed
    0:48 15 We Stand In Grace
    0:49 16 Jesus, At Your Name
    16 Songs
    Available on iTunes
    Available on Amazon
  • Let The Church Rejoice

    Let the Church Rejoice

    MP3 Album 15 Songs Available on iTunes Available on Amazon
    Jesus loves the church! We know this to be true because He gave Himself for it! The good news of Jesus Christ makes it possible for all men and women,…
    0:42 1 Come, Draw Near
    0:30 2 Jesus Loves the Church
    0:46 3 Let There Be the Church
    0:42 4 Sing and Rejoice
    0:47 5 He Shall Reign Our King
    0:36 6 Jesus, Shepherd
    0:51 7 How We Thank You, Jesus
    0:37 8 You Made Us One
    0:37 9 People of the Way
    0:46 10 The Church's One Foundation
    0:36 11 He Has Called Us
    0:39 12 Lord, Build Your Church
    0:40 13 Sing To God
    0:57 14 Join In Heaven's Praise
    0:39 15 His Church Shall Rest
    15 Songs
    Available on iTunes
    Available on Amazon
  • Does Jesus Care

    Music by Reba Snyder Miller
    MP3 Song Available on iTunes Available on Amazon
    Having a firm assurance in the care of Jesus allows the weary to find rest. This piece turns our tears to joy as we reflect on the love and kindness…
    Available on iTunes
    Available on Amazon
  • Great Things He Has Done

    Music by Molly Ijames / William Doane
    MP3 Song Available on iTunes Available on Amazon
    God alone is supreme and the Creator of all. We acknowledge His Majesty and greatness by giving Him the honor, glory, and praise that He rightfully deserves. Great Things He Has…
    Available on iTunes
    Available on Amazon
  • Jesus Emmanuel

    Music by Josh Sparkman
    MP3 Song Available on iTunes Available on Amazon
    Emmanuel, God with us. This new Christmas single celebrates the incarnation of our beautiful Savior and Lord. Each stanza features God coming to us in Christ so that He might…
    Available on iTunes
    Available on Amazon
  • Only You Can Satisfy

    Music by Emaley Fuller Gillespie / Matt Taylor
    MP3 Song Available on iTunes Available on Amazon
    Sin grips us. It holds us hostage as fleeting pleasures enslave us. The truth is: our only hope of escape is Jesus. He alone can free us and provide the…
    Available on iTunes
    Available on Amazon

Showing 1–12 of 48 results