To Live Is Christ
Music by Kevin Inafuku / Richard NicholsHymn / SATB“When all else fails, this truth remains: to live is Christ, to die is gain.” This beautiful song explores the comfort Philippians 1:21 offers during times of pain and heartache.… -
Jesus Paid It All
Music by John Grape / Joshua HummelSATBIn this traditional hymn text, the vocals are enhanced by the emotion behind each phrase of instrumentation. The slight off-beat of the melody only compliments the lyrics, resting in the… -
Do You Love Me
Music by Matt Taylor / Richard NicholsSATBDeeply personal and reflective in nature, “Do You Love Me” encourages the listener to embrace the cost of following Jesus. The chorus includes a heartfelt confession of weakness, yet resolves… -
Lord, Write Your Truth
Music by Joshua Hummel / Matt TaylorHymn / SATBThis singable new text and tune are a prayer expressing awe and delight in God’s Word. Accessible for any choir! Optional guitar chords and a soaring flute part are both… -
Holy Bible, Book Divine
Music by Reba Snyder MillerSATBThis worshipful, meditative song celebrates the preservation of God’s Word. A soaring melody is further enhanced with optional cello obbligato and guitar accompaniment. We can trust the God of our… -
My Confession
Music by Matt Taylor / Richard NicholsHymn / SATBThis new hymn reminds us of our sinfulness and of our great, perfect, and holy God. Meditate on God’s forgiveness and grace with this simple arrangement. An optional flute obbligato… -
I’ll Sing Forever
Music by Anna Prather / Joshua HummelSATB / SSAThe lyrics to PRAISE MY SOUL THE KING OF HEAVEN are updated and set to new tune. In a new chorus, we respond, “I’ll sing forever of my King.” He… -
I Have Come to Save You
Music by Anna Prather / Joshua HummelA cappella / SATB“Painter of the skies, Master of the seas, Owner of the world, Lover of your heart.” A personal, gentle reminder from the Lord of His power and love. God is… -
Grace Alone
Music by Josh Bauder / Reba Snyder MillerHymn / SATBA new, singable tune for “Grace! tis a charming sound” is accompanied by piano and a soaring violin part. This will quickly become a favorite song for your choir as… -
Day by Day
Music by Oscar Ahnfelt / Susan Greene2-part / SATBAccompanied by piano and optional cello, this new tune highlights the beloved words of the familiar hymn Day by Day. Your choir will quickly learn the simple 2-part writing. Hope…
Showing 13–24 of 42 results