Our Sure Hope
Music by Faye López / Patricia MockSATBThis song is a sweet expression of joy and trust in Jesus as our Rock and safe Harbor. With a lyrical melody and a reference to “‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in… -
I Set My Hope on God Above
Music by Brian BudaSATBTrue hope is found in the freedom from sin that Christ offers. Those who trust in Him will joyfully proclaim Him as their “only source of hope…the joy of their… -
Let All Things Now Living
Music by Joshua Hummel / Traditional Welsh melodyChildren / SATBThis beautiful arrangement of a familiar tune expresses gratitude to God as the Creator and Sustainer of life. The simple melody can be easily learned by choirs of all ages,… -
Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies
Music by Benjamin David KnoedlerSATBTaken from a hymn text by Charles Wesley, this choral anthem magnifies Christ as the “true and only Light.” The ethereal melody, paired with a beautiful orchestration, provide a masterful setting… -
Be Merciful to Me, O God
Music by Greg Habegger / Reba Snyder MillerSATBThough trials and darkness envelop the believer, God remains a faithful refuge for His own. The gentle melody of the verse explodes into a confident cry of praise in the… -
My Lord Was Emptied
Music by Greg Habegger / Mikayla GordonSATBInspired by Philippians 2:5-11, “My Lord Was Emptied” magnifies Christ’s humility in emptying Himself of glory, and dying in the place of wretched sinners. Although Christ laid aside His splendor… -
Make a Joyful Noise → ePrint
SB$7.50In all circumstances there is no better way to make a joyful noise than to sing to our God. This ePrint collection includes all songs from The Wilds’ first 2-part…2:51 1 Above Every Name3:10 2 Christ Lives in Me1:31 3 Come Before the Lord3:56 4 For Such a Time as This4:28 5 Keeper of the Home3:53 6 Lead Me to Calvary2:56 7 Lord, I Was Blind3:14 8 Make a Joyful Noise4:33 9 My Keeper1:29 10 My Redeemer1:42 11 Not to Us2:05 12 Praise Ye the Lord3:03 13 Revive My Heart2:04 14 The Fount of Blessing4:11 15 The Lord Bless You2:06 16 Throw Out the Lifeline3:09 17 Trust Him and Obey -
Even So
Music by Brigette ShevySATBThis beautiful song praises God for His unchanging character during every season of life. The flowing vocal lines and harmonies paint a picture of trust and dependence, resting in God’s… -
I Am the Lord
Music by Brigette ShevyHymn / SATB / TTBB“I Am the Lord” praises God for His faithful care for His people. Questions of God’s love and justice in the verses give way to a confident chorus, reminding the… -
Song of Rest
Music by Matt TaylorHymn / SATB“Song of Rest” is a quiet reflection on Christ, the “safe harbor” of rest during life’s difficult storms. With a gentle accompaniment and muted dynamic range, this song offers a… -
O Lord of Love
Music by Brian Buda / Matt TaylorHymn / SATBThis song of thanksgiving reflects a theme found often in the Psalms: “O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His love endures forever.” The gentle accompaniment…
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