My Jesus, I Love Thee
Music by Brian Buda / Matt TaylorSATBThe traditional hymn text is given a fresh setting with a lovely original refrain that follows each verse: “Jesus, Jesus, you proved your love on Calvary. Jesus, Jesus, now show… -
Above Every Name
Music by Brigette Smisor ShevySATB / SBJesus’ name is above every name and worthy to be proclaimed! This powerful anthem explores and exalts the many titles given to Christ in the Bible. With strong harmony and… -
To Die in Christ
Music by Matt Taylor / Reba Snyder MillerSATBWhen a Christian passes from life to death, we do not sorrow as those who have no hope. We have eternal life through our second birth. Death cannot break the… -
Thy Will Be Done
Music by Mac LynchSATBThe life of a believer should be characterized by submission to the Father’s will. The gentle piano part with a lovely oboe obbligato supports the conversational style of this prayer. … -
May Jesus Be Praised
Music by Brian Buda / Matt TaylorSATBThrough the trials and the joys of life, believers should be constant in praising Christ our Lord. The soaring melody line accompanied with a strong orchestration builds to a powerful… -
I Know You Are Mine
Music by Benjamin David KnoedlerSATBThis beautiful, yet simple prayer rejoices in the timeless truth that “I am His, and He is mine.” What a joy to know God’s love and grasp it for ourselves.… -
How Great Is Our God
Music by Benjamin David KnoedlerSATB / SB / TTBBAs frail humans, we can easily take for granted the goodness, might and strength of our God. A powerful orchestration supports this triumphant exclamation! Your choir will love this memorable… -
God of Mercy
Music by Faye LĂłpez / Patricia MockSATBSimple but thought provoking, this piece is a prayerful plea to the God of mercy who holds us fast and shines His peace. With a cello obbligato part, this arrangement… -
God of Light and Love
Music by Joshua SparkmanSATB / TTBBThis powerful and climatic arrangement proclaims the God of light and love who saved us out of darkness and brought us into marvelous light. With a soprano obbligato line bringing… -
Gentle Savior
Music by Brian Buda / Matt TaylorSATBWorship our Savior with this beautiful and solemn prayer. The guitar, mandolin, violin, and piano set up a meditative and thoughtful atmosphere. A wonderful encouragement to seek Christ with a…
Showing 97–108 of 111 results