Our Hope Is Alive
Music by Joshua SparkmanHymn / SATBThis triumphant anthem points the listener’s gaze upward to heaven, with the joyful exclamation: “Our hope is alive!” Although this world is filled with trials and grief, the believer can… -
Christ, My Treasure
MP3 Album$8.99Christ is the only One Who can provide us with the peace, joy, stability, and hope we so desperately desire. Because our hope is alive, a relationship with Him makes…0:38 1 Come, Christians, Join to Sing0:40 2 Christ, My Treasure0:37 3 I Will Stand0:37 4 To Live Is Christ0:33 5 At Your Word0:39 6 Your Word Is Life0:34 7 Draw Me Nearer0:37 8 Jesus Christ the Righteous0:37 9 I Will Praise Him0:36 10 Do You Love Me0:34 11 Jesus Paid It All0:37 12 Everlasting Arms0:34 13 His Countless Scars0:32 14 Our Hope Is Alive -
Faithful, Sufficient God
MP3 Album$8.99This instrumental collection features many recent favorites from The Wilds. These majestic and powerful orchestrations beautifully support the recurring themes in the song texts of God’s sufficiency and faithfulness.0:31 1 May Jesus Be Praised0:32 2 Christ Is Sufficient0:31 3 All Things Through Christ0:32 4 The One Who Lives Again0:31 5 For Me to Live Is Christ0:35 6 Jesus Is Better0:34 7 Wondrous Love0:30 8 Christ Is Enough0:31 9 God Has Spoken0:31 10 It's Still the Cross0:33 11 This Is My Story0:34 12 In Faith I Follow0:35 13 The Spirit's Sword0:32 14 We Will Follow -
Glory to His Name
Music by Matt Taylor / Shelly HamiltonSATBThe lyrics express a personal testimony of Christ’s work in a believer’s life, taking them to the foot of the cross. A new melody supports the familiar gospel-centered text. Enjoy… -
The Bible Stands
Music by Faye LópezSATBCelebrate the stability and security of God’s Word with these familiar lyrics and a new melody by Faye López! This arrangement can enhance any worship service, especially one centered around… -
God Has Spoken
Music by Greg Habegger / Richard NicholsSATBHow has God spoken to man? From the opening lyrical section to the triumphant climax, this song clearly presents the means that God has used to communicate–creation, Scripture, and Christ,… -
Your Living Word
Music by Darcy StanleyHymn / SATBThis anthem exalts God’s everlasting Word that revives and sustains. The accessible vocal parts are supported by a creative piano accompaniment that builds throughout to an energetic conclusion. The orchestration… -
The Word of God
Music by Patricia Mock / Richard NicholsSATBThis text beautifully describes God’s Word with pictures from creation. Like rain causes flowers to bloom, His Word causes hearts to change and grow. In contrast with the seasons, His… -
We Will Follow
Music by James Koerts / Greg HabeggerHymn / SATBThe opening invitation calls us to follow Christ just as the first disciples left their nets and followed Him. The chorus responds, “We will follow our Lord.” A full orchestration… -
The Spirit’s Sword
Music by James Koerts / Matt TaylorSATB“Unsheathe the Sword of Christ the Lord; unleash the power of the Word.” A prayer for God to powerfully use the Scriptures! Scored for SATB and piano with optional orchestration.… -
Lord, Write Your Truth
Music by Joshua Hummel / Matt TaylorHymn / SATBThis singable new text and tune are a prayer expressing awe and delight in God’s Word. Accessible for any choir! Optional guitar chords and a soaring flute part are both… -
Jesus, Your Grace
Music by Matt Taylor / Reba Snyder MillerHymn / SATB“Jesus, Your Grace” is a meditative, worshipful, prayerful hymn to Jesus. The first two lines of each stanza praise God for the truth, and the final two lines offer a prayer…
Showing 13–24 of 111 results