To Live Is Christ
Music by Kevin Inafuku / Richard NicholsHymn / SATB“When all else fails, this truth remains: to live is Christ, to die is gain.” This beautiful song explores the comfort Philippians 1:21 offers during times of pain and heartache.… -
Your Word Is Life
Music by Joshua HummelSATBEchoing the truth found in Psalm 19:7-10, “Your Word is Life” exalts the many benefits of God’s Word. Dynamic vocal rhythms, paired with a running piano accompaniment, give this piece… -
Our Hope Is Alive
Music by Joshua SparkmanHymn / SATBThis triumphant anthem points the listener’s gaze upward to heaven, with the joyful exclamation: “Our hope is alive!” Although this world is filled with trials and grief, the believer can… -
Jesus Paid It All
Music by John Grape / Joshua HummelSATBIn this traditional hymn text, the vocals are enhanced by the emotion behind each phrase of instrumentation. The slight off-beat of the melody only compliments the lyrics, resting in the… -
Jesus Christ the Righteous
Music by Brian Buda / Matt TaylorSATB / TTBBThis powerful orchestration compliments the vocal parts and gives a perfect background to an immutable text. The grandeur of the melody carries throughout the entire arrangement and ends with a… -
I Will Stand
Music by Brian Buda / Matt TaylorHymn / SATBThis choral anthem focuses on the wonderful results of Christ’s atoning work. The brokenness over sin expressed in the first two verses turns to joy and thanksgiving at the climax, reflecting… -
I Will Praise Him
Music by Emaley FullerSATBInterwoven with the traditional melody, this arrangement highlights the believer’s personal response of praise to God’s great work of salvation. Beautiful and unique harmonies capture the tone of each verse,… -
I Am Amazed
Music by Faye López / Patricia MockSATBThis arrangement expresses wonder and amazement at God’s power and beauty. Buoyant and energetic, this piece invites the listener to marvel at the beauty of creation, the wisdom of God,… -
His Countless Scars
Music by Cameron Pollock / Peter AngleaSATBAlthough Christ rose from the dead, the scars of Calvary still mar His body — permanent marks, that represent the permanent payment Christ made for our sin. This song praises… -
God Indescribable
Music by Brian Buda / Cameron PollockHymn / SATBThe powerful orchestration highlights the theme of “ God, Indescribable, worthy of praise!” This energetic arrangement draws your heart and voice to the worship of our mighty God. Beautifully arranged… -
Everlasting Arms
Music by Reba Snyder MillerSATBAs children of God, we can rest completely in the everlasting arms of Jesus. Set to a new melody, this old hymn text reflects the confidence we can have as… -
Christ, My Treasure
MP3 Album$8.99Christ is the only One Who can provide us with the peace, joy, stability, and hope we so desperately desire. Because our hope is alive, a relationship with Him makes…0:38 1 Come, Christians, Join to Sing0:40 2 Christ, My Treasure0:37 3 I Will Stand0:37 4 To Live Is Christ0:33 5 At Your Word0:39 6 Your Word Is Life0:34 7 Draw Me Nearer0:37 8 Jesus Christ the Righteous0:37 9 I Will Praise Him0:36 10 Do You Love Me0:34 11 Jesus Paid It All0:37 12 Everlasting Arms0:34 13 His Countless Scars0:32 14 Our Hope Is Alive
Showing 241–252 of 1283 results