Greg Habegger
Be Merciful to Me, O God
Music by Greg Habegger / Reba Snyder MillerSATBThough trials and darkness envelop the believer, God remains a faithful refuge for His own. The gentle melody of the verse explodes into a confident cry of praise in the… -
My Lord Was Emptied
Music by Greg Habegger / Mikayla GordonSATBInspired by Philippians 2:5-11, “My Lord Was Emptied” magnifies Christ’s humility in emptying Himself of glory, and dying in the place of wretched sinners. Although Christ laid aside His splendor… -
Lord, Build Your Church
Music by Greg Habegger / Reba Snyder MillerHymn / SATBThis earnest prayer for Christ to build His church also offers encouragement to Christians by reflecting on Christ’s promise to never leave or forsake us. In light of that promise,… -
God Has Spoken
Music by Greg Habegger / Richard NicholsSATBHow has God spoken to man? From the opening lyrical section to the triumphant climax, this song clearly presents the means that God has used to communicate–creation, Scripture, and Christ,… -
We Will Follow
Music by James Koerts / Greg HabeggerHymn / SATBThe opening invitation calls us to follow Christ just as the first disciples left their nets and followed Him. The chorus responds, “We will follow our Lord.” A full orchestration… -
Christ Is Sufficient
Music by James Koerts / Greg HabeggerA cappella / Hymn / SATBChris Anderson and Greg Habegger present a hymn highlighting Christ’s sufficiency. These words emphasize that we can add nothing to the wonderful gospel. A beautiful orchestration by James Koerts is… -
Behold the King
Music by Greg Habegger / Reba Snyder MillerHymn / SATBNew lyrics by Andy Gleiser powerfully express a desire to live for Jesus the King! Sing about His infancy in a humble stable, His agony on the cross, and His…
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